Manual Setup - Account Manager
The easiest way to get started is to use the Docker container as described in the Docker Setup guide, but this guide will also cover how to get started without using Docker.
Discord Application
The Account Manager requires a Discord application to be created to allow users to authenticate with Discord.
If you haven’t already, please see the Discord Application page for instructions on how to create one.
Server Database Access
The Account Manager requires access to the server’s MySQL database to access the account data.
Make sure to adjust your system configuration to allow the Account Manager to connect to the server’s from wherever you will be running the Account Manager.
The Account Manager is built using Next.js and as such requires Node.js to be installed.
You will also need to reverse proxy port 3000
with your web server of choice.
Manual Setup
Getting the Latest Release
Getting the latest release is as easy as extracting the contents of the release archive or clone the repository to a directory of your choice.
Configuring the Account Manager
The Account Manager is configured using environment variables.
Replace the content of .env.production
with the content of .env.example
and set the values to match your server and Discord application.
SERVER_NAME=OpenDAoCSITE_TITLE=OpenDAoC | Account ManagerSITE_DESCRIPTION=OpenDAoC Account Manager allows you to link your OpenDAoC account to your Discord for easy password recovery.SITE_FOOTER=OpenDAoC Account ManagerLOGO_PATH=/logo.svgTHEME_FOREGROUND=0, 0, 0THEME_BACKGROUND_LIGHT=8, 38, 80THEME_BACKGROUND_DARK=2, 7, 19TOAST_DURATION=8DATABASE_HOST=your_database_hostDATABASE_USER=your_database_userDATABASE_PASSWORD=your_database_passwordDATABASE_NAME=your_database_nameMIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH=6MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH=12DISCORD_CLIENT_ID=your_discord_client_idDISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET=your_discord_client_secretNEXTAUTH_URL=http://localhost:3000NEXTAUTH_SECRET=change-me-please-123456789012
We have an extensive list of environment variables that can be used to personalize the Account Manager, please see the Personalization page for more information.
Building the Account Manager
First, install the required dependencies using npm
npm install
Then, build the Account Manager using npm
npm run build
Running the Account Manager
Once the Account Manager has been built, you can run it using npm
npm run start
This will start the Account Manager on port 3000