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OpenDAoC Database

The OpenDAoC-Core package comes with a DummyDB.sql file that you can use to bootstrap your server.

We also provide the full, open source, database that we used to run our own server and recommend using it as a starting point for your own server as well.

The content of the database is the output of extensive research and testing with the goal of providing the most accurate open source database for the version 1.65 of Dark Age of Camelot.

The database is available in the OpenDAoC-Database repository on GitHub and is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 in the hope that it will be useful to the community.


To use this databases dump with OpenDAoC-Core, follow these steps:

  1. Clone or download the repository to your local machine.

  2. Make sure you have a compatible database management system (e.g., MySQL) installed and running.

  3. Create a new database instance for OpenDAoC. You can choose any suitable name for your database.

  4. Import the individual .sql files located in the opendaoc-db-core folders into your newly created database using your preferred method, such as command-line tools or a GUI client.

  5. If you haven’t already and once the import is complete, configure OpenDAoC-Core to connect to your database.

  6. Start the server.

Combining the files

To increase the maintainability of the database and leverage GitHub’s diff/branching capabilities, the database is now provided in multiple .sql files, divided per single table.

Although this is not required, users can combine the files back into a single file for easier import into a database management system.

To combine the files back together, users should download the SQLSplit utility from the SQLSplit GitHub Releases page and reference the tool’s README for its usage.

Alternatively, users can work with the single table files as needed.