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Manual Setup - OpenDAoC

The easiest way to get started is to use the Docker container as described in the Docker Setup guide, but this guide will also cover how to compile and run the server on Linux.

Setting up the environment

This process assumes you do not already have a fully-configured environment with the specific tools or software installed previously.

If you’ve already completed a step previously, we recommend that you quickly review the steps again to ensure no special configurations are missed.

Installing git

To clone the OpenDAoC repository, you will need to have git installed on your system.

To install git, run the following command from the Terminal:

Terminal window
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install -y git

Installing .NET SDK

OpenDAoC is a .NET application and requires the .NET SDK to be installed on your system.

If you are running a Debian based Linux distribution such as Ubuntu or Debian, you can install the SDK by running the following commands from the Terminal:

Terminal window
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-8.0

Please see Microsoft’s documentation for instructions on how to install the .NET SDK on other platforms.

Installing MariaDB

MariaDB is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). OpenDAoC has been tested with MariaDB up to version 10.6.

Perform the following steps from the Terminal:

Terminal window
sudo apt update && \
sudo apt install mariadb-server && \
sudo mysql_secure_installation

The RDBMS is installed, but needs a user and database for OpenDAoC to access and use.

Preparing the Database

The following steps walk you through the process of adding a user and database using MariaDB.

In this example, we will be using the following values:

  • User: opendaoc
  • Password: opendaoc
  • Database: opendaoc

To create the user and database, perform the following steps from the Terminal:

  1. Access your MySQL server using a privileged user
Terminal window
sudo mysql -u root
  1. Create the database and verify that it exists
Terminal window
  1. Verify that the database exists
Terminal window
  1. Create the user and verify that it exists
Terminal window
CREATE USER 'opendaoc'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'opendaoc';
SELECT User FROM mysql.user;
  1. Grant privileges to the user
Terminal window
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON opendaoc.* TO 'opendaoc'@localhost;
  1. Refresh the privilege changes and verify that the user has the correct privileges
Terminal window
SHOW GRANTS FOR 'opendaoc'@localhost;

Cloning the Repository

The OpenDAoC repository can be cloned from GitHub.
In this example, we will be cloning OpenDAoC-Core to the /home/opendaoc/OpenDAoC-Core directory.

To clone the repository, run the following command from the Terminal:

Terminal window
cd /home/opendaoc && \
git clone

Populating the Database

The database needs to be populated with the required tables and data before the server can be run.
We provide both a DummyDB.sql file with just the tables and the full OpenDAoC DB dump.

Using the DummyDB.sql file is only recommended if you plan using your own data or if you are familiar with the OpenDAoC database structure.

Using the DummyDB.sql file

The database needs to be populated with the required tables and data with the provided DummyDB.sql file before the server can be run.

Run the following command from the Terminal:

Terminal window
sudo mysql -u opendaoc -p opendaoc < /home/opendaoc/OpenDAoC-Core/DummyDB.sql

You will be prompted for the password for the opendaoc user, which is opendaoc in this example.

Altering serverconfig.xml

The last step before running the server is to alter the serverconfig.xml file to reflect your own configuration.

  1. Copy /home/opendaoc/OpenDAoC-Core/DOLServer/config/serverconfig.example.xml to /home/opendaoc/OpenDAoC-Core/DOLServer/config/serverconfig.xml.
  2. Open the serverconfig.xml file.
  3. Within the RegionIP tags, change the value to one of these:
    • To test locally, enter
    • To test over LAN, enter your machine’s IP address (use the Terminal command ip a, and it should start with 192).
    • To test outside your network, enter your public IP address.
  4. Configure the database access as per your own configuration.

Now you’re ready to build and run the server!

Building OpenDAoC

This section provides the commands necessary to build the server code.

  1. Navigate to the /home/opendaoc/OpenDAoC-Core/ directory
  2. Run dotnet build DOLLinux.sln

Launching the Server

  1. Navigate to the /home/opendaoc/OpenDAoC-Core/ directory
  2. Run dotnet run --project CoreServer

You’re now running an instance of OpenDAoC.